Exceptional Keynote Speakers

Trusting Through the Doubt – Jessie Seneca

Trust, even when. . . Many of us know in our minds God is trustworthy, but do we allow it to penetrate our hearts in order to walk it out through our days? Trust, even when. . . Trust is a choice! A choice we choose every day. Some days it is harder than others and we become discouraged and downtrodden. But in the end, we need to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not lean on our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him, and He will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Will you trust Him with your tomorrow? Will you trust Him even when. . .?

Our lack of trust can be where doubt rears its ugly head. In this place, you doubt God’s truths, you doubt His promises, and you doubt His plans. If we allow doubt to gain a grip on our attitude, it has the power to start a downward spiral of depression and skewed perspective. It’s normal to be unsure and experience doubt as long as you don’t allow those thoughts to paralyze and stop you from experiencing all God has for you. God is for you, not against you (Psalm 56:9).

My biggest grip of doubt came when I didn’t know what my future looked like, or for that matter, if I would even see another day. When the detours of my life surfaced, that is where the rubber met the road. That is when my faith was challenged, my desires questioned, and my trust needed to be expanded.

As I look back along the road traveled, I am so thankful that God didn’t show me the full map of my life in one viewing. If He had, I am not sure I could have endured. Instead, He gives me portions of the journey as He reveals His ways through the ride of my life.

The ride of dealing with Cushings Syndrome. Cushings Syndrome is a rare endocrine or hormonal disorder. It occurs when the adrenal glands release too much of the hormone cortisol into your body. Most Cushing tumors are located on the pituitary gland, but can present themselves anywhere else in your body, most likely on your lung, adrenal gland, or bronchial tube. My tumor was on my lung.

Through many days spent in and out of hospitals and multiple surgeries which included a full left lung pneumonectomy, fear, doubt, and uncertainty became my traveling companions for nearly twenty plus years. The symptoms I experienced left me with less than a desire to live: a moon face, acne, facial hair growth, a hump at the top of my back, sugar diabetes, weight gain, and loss of memory. At times, it seemed like it was all too much to bear.

However, even through the doubt, I learned to trust Him with the next step. Believe me there were days I wanted to just stay curled up in a ball in the corner, but that’s when I needed to choose to rely on Him and not myself—push through the doubt and fix my eyes  back on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).

It’s your choice to trust. Will you trust Him with the next step? Will you trust Him to teach you along the way?

A season of difficulty can bring growth.

A season of weeping can bring healing.

A season of loss can bring gratefulness.

A season of silence can bring depth.

A season of joy can bring blessings.

A season of love can bring respect.

A season of doubt can bring trust.

So may you trust God in the now and trust God with your then as you step out in faith.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

(Psalm 20:7)

Jessie Seneca – More of Him Ministries

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