Exceptional Keynote Speakers

When a Promise is Stuck in Transit

When a Promise is Stuck in Transit

“Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

I chuckled when I noticed them lying on my kitchen counter. The lost luggage tags shouted “RUSH” in bright red letters, but the garment bag had other plans. My husband boarded a plane for a quick 2-day turnaround to speak at a church in Canada. Who knew, however, that Newark, New Jersey would prove so much more interesting to his suitcase than Toronto? Alas, Dale preached an alternate message in a borrowed shirt since both his suit and illustration were in his luggage. A couple dozen phone calls and six days later, the wayward bag arrived safely back on our front porch.

The tags ended up in the trash, but not before they made me do more than smile. They made me think about the many times I wish God would send an answer with “RUSH” delivery. Does it ever feel like your promise is stuck in transit? Why is waiting so hard? Sometimes I see myself in the actions of the bratty little girl in Willy Wonka. “I want a golden goose and I want it now!” she shouts impetuously. I can’t say I’ve ever screamed for a golden goose, but I have found myself on the verge of a tantrum when I’m forced to wait.

We can all relate to the wait. We wait with bated breath for college acceptance letters. We wait with knots in our stomach for pathology reports. We wait with wilted hope for a prodigal child. And while we wait, our emotions run the gamut from “mildly inconvenienced” to “hanging on by a thread.” Confusion, frustration, or anxiety can choke out our trust in God. It’s wishful thinking to put 100% of your trust in an airline; but it’s foolish to put anything less than 100% of your trust in God.

We can’t see what God sees so we don’t always understand His timetable. Our souls can grow tired waiting on a delayed promise. Isn’t it encouraging to know that God is patient with us, even in our impatience? Isaiah 40:31 is healing balm for a heavy heart: “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.”

Weary…faint…in need of strength…telltale signs of a depleted spirit. Let’s face it; life can serve up far more agonizing experiences than lost luggage. Waiting requires us to relinquish control. The enemy tempts us to believe that the absence of visible activity means the lack of the presence of God. In God’s schedule, waiting is never wasted. He longs to teach us to trust His character even when we don’t see the fulfilment of a promise. Sometimes His answer is yes, sometimes His answer is no, and many times His answer is not yet. We’re encouraged through many Biblical examples of men and women who waited faithfully and held on to the promises of God. Is waiting worth it? Consider what happens in the waiting.

Our character is tested. Abraham waited for a son and God made him the father to many nations. God develops our character and transforms it into His likeness.

Our motives are refined. Joseph waited for freedom and God elevated him from the prison to the palace. God examines our motives and purifies our hearts.

Our fear is exposed. David waited for God’s timing and God made him King. God uproots worry and replaces it with peace.

Our faith is deepened. Daniel waited in the lion’s den and God delivered him and blessed him. God demonstrates His power and promotes us into greater favor

Our priorities are realigned. Paul waited years to begin his ministry after encountering Jesus on the Road to Damascus. God used him to write two-thirds of the New Testament and bring the Gospel to the world. God changes us from the inside out and uses us for His glory.

Our destiny is defined. We, the Bride of Christ, wait with anticipation for His return. This is not all there is. God’s ultimate destiny is eternity in heaven with Him. And that, my friend, is worth waiting for.

Don’t despair when it seems a promise is stuck in transit. Place your hope fully in God to prove Himself faithful while you wait. His promises may not come with “RUSH” tags, but His timing is always, always perfect.



From “Astounded – Encountering God in Everyday Moments” available October 1st everywhere.

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